
  On New Year’s Eve of 2021, my girlfriend and I were looking through her cabinet of board games, when we found a copy of Mastermind. I hadn’t thought about the game in years, but I really enjoyed playing it as a kid, so we decided to play a few rounds. While we were playing, I started to wonder if it would be possible to program a computer to play the game. I had just finished a course in AI so the common approaches were fresh in my mind; in need of a new project, I decided to do some research, and see what I could put together.

  If you aren’t familiar, Mastermind is a 2-player board game in which one player assumes the role of “codemaker”, and the other “codebreaker”. The codemaker makes a secret code using four colored pegs, and hides it from the view of the codebreaker. The codebreaker then proceeds to use other colored pegs to make guesses about what the secret code might be. After every guess, the codemaker provides feedback using smaller red and white pegs. A red peg indicates that one of the guessed pegs is exactly the same as one of the code’s pegs, in both color and position. A white peg indicates a correctly colored, but incorrectly placed peg. No peg at all indicates an entirely wrong guess. For example, if the secret code were RED BLACK GREEN BLUE, and the guess was RED BLACK BLUE WHITE, the feedback would be two red’s (red and black are correct), one white (blue is correct but in the wrong spot), and one empty slot (white is not in the secret code at all).

  With the idea in my head, the first major project I undertook during 2022 was this: can I write a program that can play Mastermind? More specifically, can I write one to take on the role of codebreaker? Writing a program that randomly picked a code and gave the user feedback would be a trivial undertaking, but I wanted to see if I could get a program to “think and deduce a secret code that the user chose. The first step, as always, was research.

Solving Mastermind

  A recurring theme in computer science work is that oftentimes, if you need code or an algorithm to do a specific thing, somebody far smarter than you has already figured it out. Computer science finds its origins in the broader field of mathematics, after all, so even though computers are only some 70-80 years old, there are plenty of giants whose shoulders make great places to stand. Mastermind is no exception to this: in 1977 mathematician Donald Knuth demonstrated that there is an algorithm guaranteed to win using at most 5(!) guesses. I am no mathematician, so the proof of why this algorithm works is beyond me, but if that sounds like something you would like to know, I’ve included a link to Knuth’s original paper at the end of this writeup. The important part, for me at least, is just the actual steps. From the Wikipedia page, the steps of the algorithm are as follows:

  1. Create the set S of 1,296 possible codes (1111, 1112 … 6665, 6666)
  2. Start with initial guess 1122 (Knuth gives examples showing that this algorithm using other first guesses such as 1123, 1234 does not win in five tries on every code)
  3. Play the guess to get a response of coloured and white pegs.
  4. If the response is four colored pegs, the game is won, the algorithm terminates.
  5. Otherwise, remove from S any code that would not give the same response if it (the guess) were the code.
  6. Apply minimax technique to find a next guess as follows: For each possible guess, that is, any unused code of the 1,296 not just those in S, calculate how many possibilities in S would be eliminated for each possible colored/white peg score. The score of a guess is the minimum number of possibilities it might eliminate from S. A single pass through S for each unused code of the 1,296 will provide a hit count for each coloured/white peg score found; the coloured/white peg score with the highest hit count will eliminate the fewest possibilities; calculate the score of a guess by using “minimum eliminated” = “count of elements in S” - (minus) “highest hit count”. From the set of guesses with the maximum score, select one as the next guess, choosing a member of S whenever possible. (Knuth follows the convention of choosing the guess with the least numeric value e.g. 2345 is lower than 3456. Knuth also gives an example showing that in some cases no member of S will be among the highest scoring guesses and thus the guess cannot win on the next turn, yet will be necessary to assure a win in five.)
  7. Repeat from step 3.

  If you’re anything like me, reading that was probably going ok, until you reached step 6, which is a bit of a doozy. Fortunately for me, the class I had just finished had an entire unit about algorithms like minimax, so I already understood the underlying concept. Trying to effectively teach the finer points of the minimax algorithm is beyond the scope of what I’m going for in this writeup, but I would be remiss if I didn’t at least offer a brief summary.

  In short, minimax is a decision making process, in which one tries to determine the optimal choice by making the worst case outcome as good as possible (i.e. to minimize the maximum possible loss). It’s frequently employed in cases of adversarial games, which could include any two-player game, ranging in complexity from Tic-Tac-Toe to Chess or Go (As a matter of fact, minimax powers some of the best AI for playing both of those games). To use minimax, we essentially look at all the possible next choices, and for each of those choices, we then look at the possible outcomes. If necessary, we repeat this multiple times, going one decision further into the future with every step. In all of these, if it’s our decision, we assume we will face the worst outcome, and if it’s the “opponent’s”, we assume they will face the best one. The key takeaway, and the only one you really need, is this: minimax finds its usefulness as a decision strategy in the fact that it tells us which decision to make to ensure that the worst possible outcome is still as good for us as possible.

  So, in applying this idea to Mastermind, we see the key to the strategy. Of all the guesses we could make, we assume the worst possible outcome; in this problem, the worst outcome is removing the least number of possible alternatives. We then find the guess that, in said worst case, still gives us the best outcome i.e. eliminates the most removing possibilities.

  Once I fully understood the process, the only remaining matter was to actually write the code. I’m happy to report that that process went fairly smoothly. There were the usual hiccups along the way, but there weren’t any major roadblocks. The exact details of my implementation are also not what I’m hoping to explore here, but if you’re curious, the source code can be found in the links at the end of this writeup.

Difficulty Adapting To Wordle

  Shortly after I threw together this Mastermind project, Wordle took the internet by storm. On the off chance you’re unfamiliar with it, Wordle is an online word game that recently went viral, and was purchased by the New York Times for an undisclosed 7 figure sum. The game plays exactly as mastermind does, except instead of trying to guess a 4-color code, you instead are trying to guess a 5-letter English word. Both I, and nearly every other programmer (one need only google things like “Wordle solver” to confirm this), immediately had the idea to try and develop a program to play the game. Since I had just finished this Mastermind project, I naively thought that this would be an easy step to take. Simply refactor some of the program to account for five-letter words instead of color codes, go into the website to get a copy of what Wordle considers to be valid words, and I should be good to go. (Also, choose a starting word. I went with “roate”, because all of those letters are extremely common). I made the changes, compiled the code, and pressed run.

  And then I waited…

  And waited…

  And waited some more.

  Nothing. A program that, for Mastermind, made its guesses in a fraction of a second, sat and churned away while my laptop’s fans whirred for minute after minute, with no end in sight. Clearly something was wrong, and that problem was scale. An algorithm like minimax is interesting because it couldn’t, except in trivially small cases, be done by a human being. Making calculations so many steps into the future, with each step having more and more options every time, just isn’t feasible for a human brain to do in any remotely reasonable timeframe. The only reason we can use it at all is because crunching immense amounts of data is a computer’s specialty; approaches like these are not only possible, they actually play to the computer’s strengths. But even those strengths have limits. In a typical game of Mastermind, there are only 1296 unique possible codes. That’s a trivially small number to a computer, it can solve that without even blinking. However, Wordle’s dictionary of valid 5-letter words has about 13,000 entries. That’s an increase by an order of magnitude. Furthermore, an increase of the code’s length from 4 to 5 may seem negligible, and at small scales it is, but when you’re doing thousands and thousands of calculations, those extra time costs really start to add up.

So How Can I Fix This?

  I liked the idea of using a minimax system to solve Wordle. Maybe it was because I was being lazy determined not to throw the baby out with the bath water, maybe it was because I felt I had a recent, solid grasp on the theory behind the approach, or maybe it was because I just felt a solution to Mastermind logically had to work on Wordle, in some capacity. In truth, it was likely some combination of all these that made me determined to stick with minimax and try to improve it, rather than just starting over from scratch. Whether that was the prudent thing to do is questionable in hindsight, but regardless I feel good about the improvements I made. Here’s a little bit about some of them.

Delaying Minimax

  The primary problem with the program as it was, was that minimax is simply too slow an approach to be using on a search of that size. So, I figured that if I could maybe reduce the sample size a few times, admittedly with less precision than a full minimax would offer, I could then switch over to minimax once it would be reasonable to do so. This was the first big step towards improving the system. Instead of running minimax, for the first two guesses, I would filter words that were no longer possible like usual, but then just select a new word to guess randomly. After two guesses, the pool of possibilities was usually reduced enough that I could run minimax without it taking too long (although it did still stall for a little bit). After this change, I was able to get my first successful games! But there was still work to be done.

Improving Filtering

  Now that I was relying on the filtering of impossible words more heavily, my attention was turned back to it. I remember suddenly realizing that I, in my zeal to convert my existing solution, had made a massive oversight. In Mastermind, the only information that you get is how many perfect, incorrectly placed, and entirely incorrect pegs you have in your guess. In Wordle, however, you get to know exactly which letters are in the correct position, which ones are present but in the wrong position, and which ones are not in the word at all. This was a huge amount of information, and I was just throwing it out, because I hadn’t considered it. So, I quickly revised my filtering system, and now it was throwing away, in some cases, literally thousands more words each time. This was a massive improvement, easily the most impactful of the three I’m talking about here.

  The short version of the reasoning and mechanics for the new system are as follows. Firstly (and obviously), if we ever get a green letter, we can throw away all the words that do not have that exact letter in that exact position. This is a particularly powerful tool if we happen to find an unusual letter (e.g. J, X), as it eliminates a massive amount of possibilities, but any reduction counts! Next, we can think about gray letters. Unfortunately we can’t just eliminate all words that have a given gray letter in them (for example, if you guessed “TREES” and got a gray letter on the second E, there may still be a single E in the first word), but what you can do is maintain a “wrongSet” of definitely wrong letters for each position, and filter based on that. (e.g. if you guess “BREAD” and get a gray E, then any word with E in the third spot is definitely wrong and can be filtered). Finally, for yellows, I keep what are referred to as “maybeSets”. If we see a yellow letter, than for every position other than where we found it (since we know the letter doesn’t go there), if the letter isn’t already in the “wrongSet” then we move it to the “maybeSet”. Then, if we see a possible word that doesn’t have any of the letters in the “maybeSets” at all, then we can safely remove it, since we know those letters must be present somewhere in the word.

Scoring Letters

  The last improvement I made that I want to mention was a system for scoring letters. I didn’t like how, during the initial non-minimax filtering, I was just choosing a next guess at random. Sure, I could just pick another dedicated second guess, like my first one, but I was interested in seeing if I could do something a little more dynamic. As a matter of fact, it was quite important that I did try to solve this problem, because there was a second issue beyond minimax taking too long. Sometimes, when the program was close to getting the answer, it would have something like “-READ”. A human being would likely guess “BREAD” next, since that’s probably the most common word, but my program would be equally likely to try “TREAD” or “DREAD”, because it didn’t have that human intuition. In some particularly bad cases it would burn up 3 or 4 guesses in this manner by trying very obscure words.

  I was stumped for a little while, but then I had an idea. In Scrabble, letters are given individual scores that are loosely based on how commonly they appear in English words. There are low scoring, common letters like ‘E’, and higher scoring, rarer letters like ‘X’ and ‘J’. I decided to tell the program that when making decisions between words evaluated as equally good by minimax (which was usually when there was only one letter missing), to prefer words that would score worse in Scrabble. I then took it a step further, and wrote a small program to calculate the frequency of different letters in the Wordle dictionary, and used those statistics to inform this decision instead. The results of this improvement were actually somewhat disappointing. It solved the problem some of the time, but other times it would still burn guesses on unlikely words. Clearly pure letter frequency wasn’t the answer, and this problem still lingers in my program.


  That’s about where my Wordle journey ended, at least for now. My school semester started up, so coursework and summer planning took priority over things like this. As it currently stands, the program works surprisingly well, in my opinion. It often manages to get the answer in the six guesses you’re allotted by the official website, and if it doesn’t it usually only needs one or two more. If you’re interested, I’ve linked to the github repository with a number of different iterations of the program in the links section. I learned a lot about optimization and problem solving over the course of this project, and I’m really glad I took the time to explore it. That’s all I have for today, so thank you for reading!